Loyalty Segment Export User Guide


You must ensure that the Loyalty Segment Export Setup and the Engage+ Setup Guide for Loyalty Segment Export has been completed and tested first.


Use Case #1: Use Loyalty segment export with one-time ad hoc campaigns 

Workflow Description: In this use case, the user will export the Loyalty Segment. The user will then use an Import Template in Engage+ to import the segment export file into the desired sending table. Finally, the user will target this import activity inside the campaign’s audience filter.

1. Create a regular, one-time campaign.

2. Create or update Import Template:

  • Use Loyalty segment export layout SFTP/S3 profile and datamap created during initial setup.

  • Configure the name of the segment file exported from Loyalty

  • Check the Copy/Filter checkbox and set the Save To Folder as below:


3. Execute Import Template and check that data has been imported properly into the table.

4. Find and run count on the filter that was created during import to ensure count is as                          expected.

5. Select this filter as the campaign’s audience filter or use this filter as a subfilter in the                        campaign audience filter.

6. Go through regular campaign setup tasks and Launch campaign when ready.


Use Case #2: Use Loyalty segment export with one-time scheduled campaign 

Workflow Description: In this use case, the user will set up a “one-time” campaign as an input activity event triggered campaign, where the message send time will be driven by the scheduled Loyalty Segment Export time. The user will first set up and launch the Engage+ campaign triggered by the expected input activity, then set up and schedule an Import Template to import the expected segment export file, and finally schedule the published Loyalty Segment with the desired export date and time.

1. Create Event Trigger Campaign triggering on Import Activities.

  • Set start and end date/time for campaign since this is a one-time campaign.

2. Create or update Import Template:

  • Use Loyalty segment export layout SFTP/S3 profile and datamap created during initial setup.

  • Configure the exported name of the Loyalty Segment export file.

  • Configure the post suffix.

  • Check the Copy/Filter checkbox and set the Save To Folder to the campaign’s import trigger folder.

  1. Schedule Import Template on desired date and time frame.
  • Set start and end date/time for Import Template.


Use Case #3: Use Loyalty segment export with recurring campaigns

Workflow Description: In this use case, the recurring campaign will be set up as an import activity triggered campaign while the Loyalty Segment export will be set with a recurring schedule. Whenever Loyalty exports the segment, Engage+ will automatically import the file and trigger messages based on the import activity. The workflow is similar to Scenario #2 where the user will set up and launch the event-triggered campaign and the Import Template and then configure the Loyalty Segment with the desired recurring export schedule. 

  1. Create Event Trigger Campaign triggering on Import Activities. In Campaign filter:
  • Target last X time frame on date field set during segment import.

  • If frequency cap is desired, suppress sends for the appropriate time frame.
  1. Create or update Import Template:
  • Use Loyalty segment export layout SFTP/S3 profile and datamap created during initial setup.

  • Configure the expected name of the Loyalty Segment export file.

  • Configure the post suffix.

  • Check the Copy/Filter checkbox and set the Save To Folder to the campaign’s import trigger folder.

  1. Schedule Import Template on desired date and time frame.
  • Set start and end date/time for Import Template.